1927-1928 More Publications and articles in Music magazines.
The cuttings book has a full page article from a magazine Music and Youth dated June 1927. This is an early example of the sort of articles he continued to write throughout his life. This one was entitled Familiar Difficult Piano Passages by James Ching and goes into some details about how to tackle playing certain sorts of musical passages with notation to illustrate his points. There are a number of examples pasted in the book which indicate he was now well known enough to be asked for his advice on technical matters of piano playing.
Another full page in the magazine Music and Youth entitled Familiar Difficult Piano Passages by James Ching is shown in the September 1927 edition. This one explains the mordent and trills.
A third detailed article under the same heading dealt with the use of the sustaining pedal. This was obviously a series for the magazine which James had been employed to write and a further example is shown for December where he concentrate on staccato pedalling. Another article for January 1928 is subtitled ‘Pedalling with your ears’. A further full page article on ‘how to use the pedal’ was published in the March edition of Music and Youth.
Under the heading PIANOFORTE PLAYING Mr James Ching’s valuable Treatise on Art there is a long paragraph praising all of James’ recent publications. It begins ‘Mr James Ching is to be congratulated on having done what so few experts can do. He has written on his subject, that of piano playing, in a way which, besides being educationally valuable, is thoroughly attractive and easy reading. He expounds the newer methods of playing with such un-technical language that it would be a dense mind which could not master their principles…’